Insights & Intuition, Article in Prairie Business Magazine

Insights & Intuition, Article in Prairie Business Magazine

Prairie Business Magazine asked four local business leaders the question: “What is a quality you look for in a new employee and why?"

With hiring and retention such an important part of WCCO Belting's company culture, Rod had a few items to share about the topic:

"In general, we are much more interested in soft skills than hard skills when talking to prospective employees. No one does exactly what we do, in exactly the same way that we do it, so we don’t expect applicants to be familiar with our industry, products, or equipment. We have a robust training program with over 100 courses to support new employee assimilation and development, so we’re really looking for a culture fit when it comes to hiring.

Qualities we look for during the interview process include self-motivation, a willingness to learn and try new things with enthusiasm, and respectfulness. We take great pride in having a diverse workforce, so we are also looking for employees who are accepting of others and can flourish while working side-by-side with people from different backgrounds and walks of life.

As a family-owned company, we care for our employees like family, and the characteristics we look for in new employees are closely aligned with our business’s values."

To read the full article, visit

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